Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year...but returning to the old

It's a new year and most people are thinking about their future, doing some reflecting, making plans. I'm no different than most people. Instead of making up some new dream, some new goal, I'm returning to the dreams of my past. To those things that as a child I thought I would be, I knew I was intended to be. I love being a mom - it is both the greatest joy and greatest heartache I've ever experienced. Being a person who likes dichotomy and inconsistency, this seems to fit. For years, too many years, I defined myself as a mother. I forgot my individuality. I lost myself in the lives of others, burdened them with defining me. I'm through that and am returning to the definition of self that was created within me. I'm re-discovering old thoughts, old dreams and marrying them with new found passions and interests. I'm becoming wholly who I am. Mother, individual, female, activist, passionate, inconsistent, easily bored, unable to commit, funny, intelligent, articulate...random. I'm on a path now that will allow me to be fully this. To combine my insatiable curiosity about people with the love of teaching as well as immerse myself in people's lives for short periods of time. I've not been this excited and this "right" feeling before. For the first time in months, I feel like writing.

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