Saturday, January 17, 2009


A freind, or perhaps a stranger, last night said I was "giddy." The feeling is carrying over to today. I don't know if I've ever been in this place before...extremely the work I do, love where I live, have some amazing friends...seeing the accomplishment of goals...expanding myself...losing pieces of me that are no longer necessary...happy. It's hard to explain how I can be this happy and content with life when horrible things are happening around me. Someone I love with extreme passion and commitment is on self-destruct path, the people I work with are suffering intensely as budgets for vital services get cut and programs close, my closest friend is struggling with definition and direction and yet even with that going on, I am standing on solid ground and so incredibly peaceful. I'm learning to live with the dichotomy of good and bad mixing together. There's a Russian word that describes this:

Ecstasy and Injury. Feelings the mind think are incompatible, but the heart knows belong together. A state of being in which you have been taken down, brought to you knees humbled – when kaleidoscopic emotions of tenderness, humility, sadness and rapture all wash through you.

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