Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life Is A Game

And we're all playing it. The trick is finding out what the game is. We seek out people who want to play the game "our way" by our rules. When we meet people who are playing a different game, we hang out for a while to see if can adjust our game plan and become part of their team. We begin to decipher their moves. Are we playing offense or defense? Are we on the same team or the opposite team? Are we rivals or we're on separate teams but headed towards the same prize - which at some point means we have to compete with one another.

We assess one another to see what uniform to wear - casual, dressy, pressed, professional, sweats, labels - all these symbols mean something and we strive to convey meaning of what team we're on, who we're playing for, what our game plan is, how we fit with your team (or not) and how we're going to get in your locker room in an effort to gain your secrets.

I'ma watch you, watch your body language, study your moves, pay attention to what your focus is, what your priorities are, how I can get from you what I need to be successful at my game plan. Cold you say? No, just honest. Because we all do it. My language changes, my posture changes, my clothing changes depending on who I'm going to meet today. Whether they're on my team, the opposing team or just trying to get a little game of their own going.

I'm tired of the politically correct, shrouded in defense, unable to speak truth, lying, game playing mofos. Let's strip to our skins - no shirts vs. skins game. Just skin on skin telling it like it is. Just my nakedness and raw truth telling you how I see things and listening to you tell me how you see things.

I know, it's difficult. But because I share this with at least one person in my life, I know it's possible for more. I know it's possible for me to be that raw, that open to critique and that able to tell the truth. I don't want to play games anymore. I didn't get a rule book and I don't want to play.

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